Green Skills Class 10 Notes PDF. Complete Green Skills Class 10 IT 402 Unit 5 Notes for board exams 2023-24.
Are you searching for the best notes for Class 10 IT Unit 5 Green Skills?
In this post, we have shared with you the best notes for the unit Green Skills. With these notes, you are ready to rock your board exams.
This notes PDF is made with a lot of effort and I am sure this will help you a lot in preparing this unit.
Along with the notes, you will also find a video explanation of this unit at the end of this post.
Green Skills Class 10 Notes PDF
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Green Skills Class 10 Notes
What is sustainable development?
Development that meets the need of the present without compromising on the needs of the future generations.
Importance of Sustainable Development.
- Fulfills the needs of people.
- Conserves natural resources.
- Helps in Coordination between natural resources and people.
- Also considers saving resources for future generations.
Problems Related to Sustainable Development
(a) Food: The amount of rich, fertile land needed to grow crops, such as wheat, rice, etc., is becoming less as we are using up more and more land for other purposes. Soil nutrients are also getting depleted and lots of chemicals are spoiling the soil due to the use of chemical fertilizers.
(b) Water: We use freshwater from rivers and ponds or drinking and cleaning but dump garbage into them. The rivers and ponds are getting polluted. This way after several years, we will have no clean water for our use.
(c) Fuel: We are using a lot of wood from trees as fuels and for the construction of homes and furniture. As more and more trees are being cut, it is affecting the climate of the place. Extreme weather conditions, such as floods, extreme cold, or heat, are seen in many places, which affect the people living there.
Sustainable development includes
- Reducing excessive use of resources and enhancing resource
conservation. - Recycling and reuse of waste materials.
- Scientific management of renewable resources, especially bio-
resources. - Planting more trees.
- Using more environment friendly material or biodegradable material.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call of action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Some of these issues are poverty, gender equality, water use, energy, climate change, and biodiversity.
Sustainable Processes Some practices, such as organic farming, vermicomposting and
rainwater harvesting is being used to help preserve the environment.
Session 2: Our Role in Sustainable Development
Natural resources are limited and with time they will get over and if we do not do anything about it, our future generations will not be able to survive.
Here are some basic ways in which people can help towards Sustainable Development Goals.
Quality Education – Children who have gone to school will be able to do jobs so that they can take care of themselves and their families. We should take our friends to school, help friends study, stop friends from dropping out of school.
Clean Water and Sanitation – We must make efforts to make India free of open defecation by building toilets and creating awareness towards sanitation. We must take measurable steps by promoting awareness to keep water sources clean.
Affordable and Clean Energy Using solar power i.e., power generated using the sun does not cause pollution as it does not require the burning of non-renewable fuels, such as coal. The use of biogas is also an eco-friendly alternative to natural gas.
So this was all about Green Skills Class 10 Notes. Download the Green Skills Class 10 Notes PDF given above at starting of this post.
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Thank for
It’s really help me today i really want short notes to study because I didn’t study yet and tommoro my pre board
So, thanks a lot
It is amazing 🤩🤩🤩 notes which is helpful for me alot . Thank you for your hardwork that really matters alot to me I have secured 50/50 in boards 2024 … Love from Odisha
These are wonderful notes 💐😄
thanks pookie it really helped my sister a alot